Thank you for registering! (if you haven't registered yet, please do so from the Registration page)
Payment can be made in the following ways without an additional charge:
- VENMO: Ari's Venmo account is: @Ari-Levitt-1 (it a has a picture of Ari lifting a dance partner). Ari's last four telephone digits are "9172"
- CHECK or MONEY ORDER: If you opted to pay by check or money order on the registration page, Ari will send you more information. All payments must be in US currency. Checks can be made out to "Roll Up The Rug"
Payment can be made in the following ways with an additional 3.5% charge:
- CREDIT CARD / PAYPAL: To pay by Credit Card or PayPal with an additional processing fee, CLICK HERE to be taken to the Payment Page